terms exist today to define the different tourisms alternative to mass tourism,
which is not always easy to understand. That is why we chose to understand
concretely what the rural community tourism, through the actions undertaken in
this direction by the receiving agency Origins Argentina Travel.
Argentina Travel is an incoming agency created in 2011, located in Argentina.
It organizes courses and tours mostly in the northwestern Argentina (the Indian
region and most community), but also throughout Argentina. It is also one of
the few agencies in Salta offering its predominantly French-speaking clients, a
community rural tourism in Argentina; representing on average 50% of its
business. Then, really what is the rural community tourism?
Bourdais, Founder and Director of the agency defines as "a local tourism
controlled by the locals, that is to say, self-directed and planned by farmers,
growers ... for the sole purpose of allow diversification of their resources
and improve their living conditions. "It is therefore possible to travel
any other way of equitable tourism. The benefits are indeed shared between the
host families, local communities and the agency, as this type of tourism
requires a membership organization and community support.
this means on the one hand, by "the work closely with associations and
cooperatives Salta structures that ensure the smooth running of rural community
tourism and make a parallel self" as we confided Chantal Bourdais.
Similarly, as families receiving communities are paid through EU funds. Indeed,
the goal is to "enjoy the benefits of rural community tourism to all
families, not just one or two" as we noted Chantal Bourdais. Therefore,
the agency Origins Argentina Travel not directly chosen families, to ensure
fairness and transparency, and leave it to associations and cooperatives with
which it works to deal with, since they are more aware of their realities.
On the
other hand, host families receive training on various hospitality, provided by
the tourist office in the province. For its part Origins Argentina Travel
awareness on local consumption, including drinks because as we confided Chantal
Bourdais' are very popular with the Argentines in general, to the detriment of
local drinks such industrialized beverages. "
addition, the agency also allows customers wishing and driven away to
participate in the cleaning of Salta. A garbage bag is made for this purpose
in all cars, allowing tourists to bring all dry waste located in Salta.
This type
of tourism can fit any budget, provided there is the will on the part of
tourists because as we showed Chantal Bourdais "the goal of Origins
Argentina Travels is to adapt to each budget to allow as much as possible to
increase the cultural heritage and expertise Argentine. This helps to limit further
urban migration for example. "That's why every year since its inception;
the Agency seeks to refine and improve its various services, including
community-based rural tourism.
in a process of social responsibility is also underway, in partnership with the
Argentine authorities. This would show visitors concrete actions carried out
under the Community rural tourism in order to facilitate the promotion.
Similarly, the agency that passes by the end of the year status microenterprise
than SARL will result in a new status to devote 1% of his winnings to a
community education project or environment.
Bourdais also stated "it is intended to help teachers wanting to make
environmental education with their students through outlets in Salta and
municipal reserve to enable them to discover and become aware of the
environment, plants ... ".
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